When you have a partioned table full of UUIDs but partitioned through timestamp, you need a way to translate the UUID back into a timestamp to match a partition where the key is stored. So here is my way of how to extract the timestamp out of an UUIDv1.

select ts,to_timestamp(date '1970-01-01'+ (ts/(24*60*60)))
from (
    trunc((to_number(substr(uuid,16,3)||'000000000000' ,'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
          +to_number(substr(uuid,10,4)||'00000000' ,'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
                       +to_number(substr(uuid,0,8) ,'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
      -122192928000000000)/10000000) ts
  from (
    select '0f0e9cea-121c-11e5-a831-14dae9ef67fb' uuid from dual